Saturday, February 27, 2021

Inerrant Lie #27

Another lie from "God's ineffable, inerrant word":

How many times have you heard someone say, "Jesus of Nazareth was either God- in- the- flesh or a raging lunatic!"? This ultimatum, whether it applies to Jesus of Nazareth or not, applies more acutely (and appropriately) to Moses. Jesus of Nazareth commanded the spirits and apostles that worshipped him as “the Holy One of God” (and other appellations of such like) to observe silence. The number of times Moses says, “I am the LORD,” on the other hand, is staggering.

Back in the early nineties, when the alphabet- soup of federal agencies surrounded the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX: CNN had an analyst [or maybe it was Janet Reno herself] on- air talking about David Koresh (the pastor of the Branch Davidians). They played audio of Koresh reading a passage of Moses as proof of how evil Koresh was, saying he clearly had a messiah complex and might be the Antichrist. They represented the audio they played as Koresh's own words, which they clearly were not; but what does this say about Moses, whose words they actually were?

One such passage is to be found in Deuteronomy 11. Beginning in verse 13, Moses says: "And it shall come to pass, if ye shall hearken diligently unto my commandments which I command you this day… 14 That I will give you the rain of your land in his due season… 15 And I will send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, that thou mayest eat and be full." This is a staggering claim for a man to have made so many thousands of years ago.

These days, the U.S. Air Force has Operational Weather Squadrons which manipulate weather conditions in the theater of conflict to assure maximum advantage to U.S. troops in- theater. Nonetheless, even now, preachers insist, “Only God can control the weather.” Why do they believe Moses, when they revile and scorn as lunatic any contemporary who speaks as Moses did?

Back in the fall of 2015, I attended church on a Saturday evening at a church in Santa Clarita, CA, which is in Los Angeles County. California had suffered from drought for seven years or so, at this time; and, for some reason, the head pastor of the church I visited that Saturday evening chose that moment to lead his congregation in a prayer service begging God to bring relief from the persistent drought– before he commenced the message he delivered that evening.

The substance of that particular pastor's prayer that evening about the drought concentrated on his adamant, repetitive assertion that only God could do anything about the weather. I used to live in Sclarita (as Santa Clarita is referred to by the “locals”) in the 1990’s, and even then it was obvious someone was engaged in weather modification exercises to anyone who chanced to look up at the sky over that valley on any given day. Chemtrails abounded with regularity. Everyone noticed and commented on them in conversation about town. It was no secret.

At any rate, when the aforementioned head pastor was done laying on the floor wriggling like a worm and pleading to be heard and obeyed by God concerning the drought, there was a moment taken for “prophetic testimony,” in which the congregation was encouraged to share anything they felt the LORD was impressing upon their hearts regarding the subject of the drought. We waited for an uncomfortably long time, until one old man finally made his way up front to the microphone to say, “God will provide a solution to this problem.”

I suspect churches all over the L.A. Basin were exercising their prayer- prerogative in precisely this same manner, that particular weekend. On the following Monday morning, one of the things which caught the eye of many of those who perused the L.A. Times newspaper was a public notice announcing that NOAA had filed for and received permits to engage in weather modification exercises in the skies over L.A. County over the course of the winter immediately following. That may be the first year (2015) in which meteorologists assigned names to particularly dangerous winter storms.

One of my acquaintances in Santa Clarita was killed by “Lucifer,” that winter. I think it's all- but certain that, that Saturday and Sunday, all the pastors in the L.A. metropolis were doing the same thing that pastor did that Saturday evening when I visited his church: praying God end the drought; and praying so exactly as that pastor had done: forcefully and repetitively declaring only God could do anything about the weather. I think the pastors of L.A. already had the scoop on NOAA’s plans for weather modification before that weekend began. Perhaps they didn't know NOAA would obtain permits, that year. They had never bothered with permits in previous years. Moses would have been proud.

At any rate, whether or not Moses could make it rain, and even whether Moses is the LORD is beside the point. The point is that weather modification was not a science, much less a given, in Moses' day; and Moses most likely lied every time he said “I am the LORD,” regardless of whether he did so at the LORD’s behest. Either that, or the scribe who wrote, “[the LORD] buried [Moses] in a valley in the land of Beth-peor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day [Deuteronomy 34:6]” lied. No man can literally bury himself; and if Moses were the LORD: why would he?

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