Monday, February 15, 2021

Inerrant Lie #4

Another lie from "God's ineffable, inerrant word":

Peter, James, and John really 'understood' a lie, according to Matthew. In the seventeenth chapter of his gospel, Matthew records an event that 'trannies’ and Christians everywhere refer to as 'The Mount of Transfiguration'. Jesus went up “an high mountain apart,” with Peter, James, and John. [69 × 2 = 138 (or 2²).]

While they were “in” the mountain, “there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him [Matthew 17:3].” At some point, Peter (like a Vatican penis- worshipper shaking his money- maker), holds forth on tabernacles and why the sight requires three. “While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him [Matthew 17:4].”

Matthew says Jimmy, his one- ball- Peter, and they're thunderballs- brick- shithouse- Brother (John the Divine) messed in their man- panties and faceplanted at the sound of this “voice” out of the cloud. “Jesus came” and “touched them” and whispered sweet nothings in their ears until they got up, at which time, “they saw no man, save Jesus only.”

After taking encouragement enough to rise up out of their “front- lean- and- faceplant positions,” the disciples present query Jesus: “Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come?” This question indicates the disciples understood one thing: that the voice out of the cloud indicated Jesus was all three (Moses, Elias, and Jesus). Jesus answers: “That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them [Matthew 17:12b - d]."

The lie-- appropriately, from a numerological standpoint-- comes in verse 13; where Matthew says, "Then the disciples understood that he [Jesus, presumably, but maybe the voice in the cloud] spake unto them of John the Baptist." The lie is that “the disciples understood.” “Sweet Geezus” wasn't speaking about Johnny B any more than the voice- in- the- cloud was.

As previously stated: the math, here, is simple [69 × 2 = 2 pairs]. Did John Baptist come down from heaven? Did Jesus? If you can answer that controversy correctly, then you already know who Elias is. Jesus said, "no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven [John 3:13]." Elias “ascended up to heaven” in “a chariot of fire,” with “horses of fire [2 Kings 2]”; “came down from heaven” as a newborn baby “Jesus”; and was “received” into a cloud out of sight [Acts 1:9].

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Inerrant Lie #80

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