Thursday, September 30, 2021

Inerrant Lie #46

Another 'lie' from "God's ineffable, inerrant word":

As mentioned in 'Lie 18', the writer of Hebrews claims the Jewish nation helped 'make' Jesus. Therefore Hebrews 2:9-- while it reflects the esteem the Hebrews had of their own idolatrous handiwork-- though an egregious error and lie, is not surprising, per se. They are, per the Doctrine, an upside- down people, if only by the easy virtue of the odd number of convolutions inflicted upon the Doctrine by their rulers.

Speaking of the shameful mess of prideful bliss made of the Doctrine by the Hebrews, the "son of man," Ezekiel wrote: "I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him [Ezekiel 21:27]." The last overturning rendered by their handiwork, as I read, is Calvary. For, "last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, they will reverence my son [by hook or by crook; by flame or by fire; or by and for vanity, Solomon's "all [Ecclesiastes 1:2]" -Matthew 21:37]." Now, it's God's turn to twist them round, as I read.

It seems-- as the plethora of monikers (expletives included) presumably attributable to him indicate-- that there are any number of ways to apprehend Jesus. I agree with John the Divine that he is the Word of God made flesh, if only because that's what he said of himself (if "good seed [Matthew 13:37b]" ain't weeds). To come to Christ by another 'way' seems second- best, at best, to me. Who else in the lineup of usual (or even unusual) suspects are we supposed to believe?

If we take Jesus at his Word of God, he cannot be Christ, at any rate, for according to the Word of God, "the things concerning [him] have an end [Luke 22:37]"; while Christ has no end we don't wholly partake in, inasmuch as we are Christ. But if anyone in the canon told the whole truth, at least in part, even with ulterior motives-- it is he. Perhaps Jesus tells the most comprehensive of the lies we encounter in scripture, and because of the fulness of his lies, they appear as more comprehensive truth than all the other lies.

Hebrews 2:9 says, "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man [Hebrews 2:9]." This verse is rich. It is, essentially, blindingly brilliant darkness, but the most immediately conducive lie to our present subject is: "Jesus... was made a little lower than the angels."

Peter said of Jesus, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God [Matthew 16:16b]." To which Jesus responded, 'This is the word of my 'God' [Matthew 16:17],' to paraphrase. If Jesus is our Christ, we had an end, and the whole ball of wax was a Jewish conspiracy to kill everything, just so their exceeding wickedness could finally rest in peace, with them in it, as they've ever been. What has this to do with God or us? None of this would matter, for we are nought but Death, already, were it so.

So, while it may be true that Jesus was 'made lower', it is also true that his Father in heaven was, like his beloved, 'made lower.' Thus, the resurrection is evidence that dead things enter the matrix via the womb. I guess The Lie of these lies is that Jesus' Father in heaven is the God of any but the dead. Where's the lie? in the letter, or the spirit of this 'doctrine'? Is it not in both? How could the dead ever get 'made'? They're stolen from their rest 'in peace'.

Notice the subtlety of Jesus' Father which is in heaven: According to him, Jesus is the Son of the living God, making the living God his mother. God is not "the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore [Isaiah 57:3]." The aforementioned whore is, however, "the God of the dead [Matthew 22:11d]; not the God of the living:" ; "ye therefore do greatly err [Mark 12:27]."

As to Jesus being 'made lower': when he was pleading his 'Father's' case before Pilate, Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then [as in now] would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now [as in then] is my kingdom not from hence [John 18:36]."

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