Thursday, January 5, 2023

Inerrant Lie #58

Another lie from "God's ineffable, inerrant word":

Israel's conquering superman, Joshua, was-- like many of the heroes in the canon of scripture referred to as the 'Holy Bible'-- delusional. As such, he tells a number of lies which are recorded in his own chronicle of the conquest of the 'holy land'. Following Moses' lead, Joshua credits "the LORD" for the lies he tells: perhaps rightly so. Moses' lies, after all, were presumably told in service to the LORD. The LORD deviated from the right way [Genesis 2], and-- according to many of his prophets-- not only lied, but taught the prophets to likewise lie.

Most of Joshua's lies betray either a received delusion or a projected gaslight concerning his conquest of the 'promised land'. Simply stated: every time Josh said everything the LORD promised the children of Israel he delivered, Josh lied. Never was it so. Even when the veritable King of the Jews (David) reigned (many years after Joshua), the practicable deviations from the promises made by the LORD (through Moses and others) are too many to shake a stick at.

Yes, Davey reigned over all the geographic bounds promised the children of Israel; but he also reigned over the Edomites and the children of Lot, whose land the Jews were not to touch; and he likewise failed to deliver the promised land to the Jews, preferring rather to reign over "strangers" in their own land than to reign over the Jews in theirs. Nonetheless, lies about promises and their fulfillment abound in the 'Holy Bible', et. al., and as the Bible opposes itself, so the fossil record likewise opposes the Bible in many particulars.

One of the instances of the Bible opposing itself in matters of historical antiquity is found in the book of Joshua: "2 And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods. 3 And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac [Joshua 24:2 & 3]."

Notice: Josh pins the donkey's tail on "the LORD God of Israel," in attributing the lies which follow to his word; and there are three lies told here, as I count. 1) Terah did not dwell "on the other side of the flood." Genesis 11 states unequivocally that Terah was born nine generations after the flood's conclusion-- at a time when men's lifespans were said to number in the hundreds of years. 2) Inasmuch as his father was born so many hundreds of years after the flood, Abraham himself was obviously not taken "from the other side of the flood."

Lastly: 3) the historical record of the Bible-- from Genesis to Revelation-- shows the LORD God's statement that "they served other gods" to also be a lie. Judeo- Christian religion began in Genesis 4, with the murder of Abel. Lamech subsequently made a holy sacrament of Cain's brand of 'brotherly love' in murdering perhaps two innocent victims in pursuit of atonement with the LORD and the LORD's blessing of supernatural protection over Lamech's miserable life. "Then began men to [likewise] call upon the name of the LORD [with innocent blood on their hands (Genesis 4:26d)]."

Abe-- who the apostles call "the father of us all"-- likewise would have offered his own son (the aforementioned "Isaac") calling upon the name of the LORD, if he had been allowed to [Genesis 22]. The apostles who wrote the New Testament likewise affirm the worthlessness of the man who won't murder innocent victims, saying it was necessary to murder Jesus of Nazareth for anyone to be considered worthy.

Today, the Christian children obviously serve the same LORD the 'fathers' of Jewry have always served. The only difference between Genesis 4 and John 3:16 is that Christians say "only Jesus" can atone the would- be blood of their own sacrificed children; while they scapegoat-- or, more precisely, softkill-- their own children for the blood of Jesus swimming in their own bellies. From Adam to the present, the "God" they serve remains the same child- sacrificing LORD of sorcery and blood magick he's always been, even when he changes his garments (which, in regard of Adam's butt- naked beginnings, most likely entails the [gay]LORD putting something on his butt- naked ass).

"The LORD" of the 'Holy Bible' is obviously the Devil.

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