Sunday, September 11, 2022

Inerrant Lie #48

Another lie from "God's ineffable, inerrant word":

Notice how "the serpent" in the Garden of Eden is "more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made [Genesis 3:1a]," meaning the LORD God had not made the serpent. This implies God did make the serpent. [Is "the serpent" Lucifer?] Notice also how the question posed to Eve by the serpent has nought to do with the LORD God's word: "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden [Genesis 3:1c]?" What did God say [Genesis 1:29]?

According to the apostle Paul, 'God' says, "Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression [1 Timothy 2:14]." This indicates Paul's [and his God's] belief that not only did Eve transgress; she also 'tempted' Adam to do likewise. Hath God said?

Jesus of Nazareth said, "there is none good but one, that is, God [Matthew 19:17c - e, et. al ]." To eat of "the tree of knowledge of good [Genesis 2:9, et. al]" cannot, therefore, be a transgression unless the 'God' who imposes such 'judgements' wishes to not be known. Did Adam and Eve need remedial courses in the knowledge of evil? They were both created "not good [Genesis 2:18b]" (not simply because Adam was created alone); both were, after all, created butt- naked-- and left so--  presumably, 'in the image, after the likeness' of their butt- naked LORD God and his butt- naked angels.

Was it transgression in Eve to desire "knowledge of good?" Does God seek to not be known? Why does Jewry's "Father which is in heaven... [make] his sun to rise on the evil [Matthew 5:45a & b]?" because Moses 'covered' the LORD God's nakedness when Adam and Eve 'uncovered' their own? It's obvious Eve did not transgress against God. Is transgressing against the devil transgression? According to the apostle Paul and all the patriarchs of Judaism and Christianity, on the subject of Eve: it would seem it is.

"She was the mother of all living [Genesis 3:20]." Mother is always right. Better to die young: knowing good for a season; than to live forever knowing only evil.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Inerrant Lie #47

Another lie from "God's ineffable, inerrant word":

Genesis 10 says of Shem, the firstborn son of Noah (a.k.a. Sem), that he was "the father of all the children of Eber [Genesis 10:21b]." This is noteworthy, inasmuch as Eber is the great- grandson of Shem through his third son of five: Arphaxad. And because Baal worship had long ago been established [Genesis 4:26]. Yet of none of the other sons and descendants of Shem is this declaration pronounced. This implies the lineage so specified is more than genetic. It is in fact spiritual. Shem is "a father and a priest [Judges 17:10 & 18:18]" unto the children of Eber as the Levite was to Micah and, later, the Danites (in the book of Judges).

The meaning of the name Eber is "One from beyond, from the other side." I suppose scholars are wont to consider the 'other side' pointed to in Eber's moniker as indicative of the other side of the flood; but of course Eber wasn't born until well after the flood. There is, however, another 'other side' referred to in scripture.

Jude speaks of "certain men crept in unawares.... angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation.... wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. [Jude 4a; 6a & b; & 13b & c]." Jesus of Nazareth refers many times to "outer darkness [Matthew 8:12, eat. al.]" as a place: i.e. a point of origin or destination. Solomon confesses of the 'God' of Moses and his father David (not to mention Jesus of Nazareth): "The LORD hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness [1 Chronicles 6:1b, eat. al.]."

This, in light of the Doctrine as a whole, is clearly the 'other side' indicated in the father and priest of the Hebrews-- Eber's-- name: the other side of the morning. The first day of the creation accounted for in Genesis 1 began with night. "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day [Genesis 1:5]."

Notice how time begins with the "evening" of darkness and light. Isaiah 14:12 refers to Lucifer-- the "Light- Bringer"-- as, "son of the morning." If the negative connotations associated with the name Lucifer in the canon were deserved, why would he be a "son" instead of a cockroach? Is not the 'God' who disparages the one bringing light a cockroach? He dwells in "the thick darkness [1 Chronicles 6:1, et. al.]."

Naturally, a strange 'God' tells strange lies. These lies begin in the second chapter of the first book of the canon. In verse 4 of chapter two of Genesis, the LORD God suddenly shows up taking credit for all the work which the first chapter of Genesis says God did. The LORD God and God are not the same entities or personalities. [In fact, the virgin birth of Jesus of Nazareth clearly indicates a female entity like the Sumerian goddess Nammu as a more likely 'former of all things' than any male entity, be it "God" or "LORD God."]

Be that as it may, the text of chapter two states, "the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth... But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground [Genesis 2:5c & 6]." Thus, after taking credit for creating the cosmos in the particular fashion which compels the water to evaporate and fall as 'rain' on the ground-- as "night follows day," which is to say, naturally-- the LORD God says he "had not caused it to rain upon the earth." What does he call rain? destroying "all flesh, wherein is the breath of life [Genesis 6:17f & g]" in a flood? Even without the light, the creation had to be wet enough to rain. What's he doing? admitting he's not responsible for bringing the Light- Bringer? 

In taking credit for the work of God in Genesis 1, "the LORD God" of nearly the rest of the canon, shows why Jacob is the prince of the house of Israel, the kingdom of Jesus [Luke 1:33]: he's a supplanter like the LORD God before him. Like his own 'blessing'/ scapegoating of Dan before the day of his own death [Genesis 49:17], Jacob's name means "he will supplant; a heeler; one who trips- up." Is this why Dan is not included as a tribe of Israel in Revelation 7(:5 - 8)? He's too much like his father Israel to be included?

"The portion of Jacob is not like them: for he is the former of all things; and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: The LORD of hosts is his name [Isaiah 10:16, et. al.]." Darkness is former. Is Israel a rod "pilled [Genesis 30:37 - 39]" for sex- magic to bring forth the "basest of men [Daniel 4:17]" to receive the darkness as revealed in the peculiar exercise of making 'Darkie' comfortable in the light; where he, like Job's "Satan," plays 'God [Job 2:6, et. al.]?'

Inerrant Lie #80

Another lie from "God's ineffable, inerrant word": A number of times in the 'Holy Bible' canon, the LORD is identified...