Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Inerrant Lie #8

Another lie from "God's ineffable, inerrant word":

Moses begins Genesis 12 by telling us the next- to- last- verse of chapter 11 is a frank admission that Abram did not do what he was told to. That is to say, Moses (in Genesis 12:1) tells on his own lie three verses later. Genesis 12:1: "Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee."

In chapter 11 it's admitted that not only did Abram not leave anyone behind: he went forth with his father's house (at his father's insistence); with his kin (his “brother,” cousin Lot); and "with [his country] them from Ur of the Chaldees [Genesis 11:31];” dispersing with them (at their insistence) in the confusion about Babel. Abram was told by the LORD (12:1, above) to go alone. Instead, he left Chaldea as one more frightened cow in a confused, stampeding herd.

Yet-- and here's the whopper-- in verse 4 of Genesis 12, Moses writes, "So Abram departed [Haran, an untold number of years later], as the LORD had spoken unto him;" and immediately tells on his own lie by continuing: "...and Lot went with him... " He did not do anything "as the LORD had spoken unto him." He did not leave his father. His father left Chaldea with him. He did not leave Ur. He and his father's house went with the city of Ur, what time they departed from Chaldea.

He did leave his father in Haran (Genesis 12:4, above) sixty years before the death of his father, but as Moses readily affirms, in 12:4, and et. al., through chapter 19 of Genesis: when Abe left his father in Haran, he still took his father's house with him in the person of Lot. It is true that he eventually arrived and settled somewhere other than the land of the Chaldees, but given the fact that he didn't go as prescribed, who's to say he landed where he would have had he gone as he was told to?

It also seems abundantly clear he didn't go when he was told to go, instead waiting to leave Chaldea until it was his father's idea to join the Ur wagon train: meaning it was the Chaldeans’ idea to leave Chaldea behind which finally got Abram out of Chaldea. Had he gone when- and- as- he was told to, perhaps he would have fathered a family of truly great nations: the American Indian. Who knows? Jews aren't the only Semites, as they seem to believe they are, at any rate.

Either way, Moses told a lie in Genesis 12:4, if everything else he wrote about Abe wasn't a lie.

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Inerrant Lie #80

Another lie from "God's ineffable, inerrant word": A number of times in the 'Holy Bible' canon, the LORD is identified...